This week we have Certified Midwife Lauren French better known as “Madre Luz” answering all of your questions. Lauren is a Certified Midwife that has a lot of experience in Traditional Midwifery. We cover a lot of subjects from Natural Induction, Natural Birth, C-Sections, Breastfeeding, 40 day care and the miracle of the placenta. She gives us a better understanding on this amazing miracle that is giving birth and hope that the views we have on labor can change.  You can get in contact with her by clicking on the pictures below or emailing her info@madreluz.com


Childbirth Without Fear: The Principles and Practice of Natural Childbirth by Grantly Dick-Read

Active Birth: The New Approach to Giving Birth Naturally by Janet Balaskas 

Learn how to breastfeed laying down

Medela Supplemental nursing system 

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increasing supply of milk- drink atole de ajonjoli, dark beer, soak barley in water overnight and use that water to make fennel tea. 

Make Fenugreek herb, passion flower & chamomile(to relax),